It's always been a problem in Brixton, and never more than now.
Brixton Mint has a long-term goal - to bring people together, to mobilise the amazing capacity of Brixton's people and communities -
Brixton Mint is Brixton people, working together. There isn't a fixed plan - but we are sure of our direction:
Working as community, towards a Brixton where
people experience financial empowerment
How we are working:
A core group meets regularly to think about the way forward - how to bring more people in to the conversation, what sort of events to attend.
We're working on collecting and publishing what we heard and experienced at the November '22 Money, Community and Me event.
We'll be gathering with people who expressed an interest in being part of Brixton Mint's work soon!
We hope to attend community events and start conversations, and, most of all, work together with anyone who is interested to develop project ideas.
We have been collecting and documenting stories about how people manage money, individually and socially. You can see them here.
Brixton people know what Brixton wants.
Brixton people have what Brixton needs.